News Release

Thursday, October 12, 2017

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Comestar Holsteins Wins Overall WDE Herdsmanship Honor 

MADISON, WIS. – Each year, World Dairy Expo recognizes Dairy Cattle Exhibitors who display dedication to presenting their showstring with Herdsmanship Awards, sponsored by Select Sires, Inc. Herdsmanship Awards are given to individuals or dairy farms demonstrating exemplary exhibit organization, cleanliness and cooperation with fellow exhibitors and show management. This year, Comestar Holsteins, France & Marc Comtois & Family, Victoriaville, Qué., took home top honors as the Overall Herdsmanship Winner.

Receiving zone and daily awards are as follows:

Zone Winners:
Pavilion 1 – Zone 1: Paulsoncrest, Brian and Tammy Paulson, Columbus, Wis.
Pavilion 1 – Zone 2: Sunny Valley & Me-Do Meadows, Wayne DeBuhr and Doug & Melanie Nifong, Sun Prairie and Orfordville, Wis.
Pavilion 2 – Zone 1: Mahoney Holsteins, Keith and Kay Mahoney, Cannon Falls, Minn.
Pavilion 2 – Zone 2: MD-Hillbrook, Chris and Jennifer Hill, Thurmont, Md.
Pavilion 2 – Zone 3: Palmyra Farm, The Creek Family, Hagerstown, Md.               
Pavilion 2 – Zone 4: Queens Manor, Doeberiener and Cole, West Salem, Ohio                     
Pavilion 2 – Zone 5: Crestbrooke, The Natzke Family, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Pavilion 2 – Zone 6: Comestar Holsteins – France & Marc Comtois and Family, Vicoriaville, Qué.
Tent – Zone A: Elmvue Farm, Randy Frasier, Johnstown, N.Y.                                 
Tent – Zone B: All-Glo Holsteins and Misty Meadows Guernseys – Justin and Ashley Kaufman Beth Anne Clark & Chris Reichard, Berlin & New Paris, Pa.     

Daily Winners:
Tuesday: Brook Hollow Farm, Heather & Delber Yoder, West Salem, Ohio
Wednesday: Family-Af-Ayr Farm, The Borchardt Family, Caledonia, Ill.
Thursday: South Mountain Jerseys, Ernie Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, Md.
Friday: Dirk Thompson and Crew, Champagne, Ill.
Saturday: Erbacres Holsteins, The Erbsen Family, Lanark, Ill.                 

For over five decades, the global dairy industry has been meeting in Madison, Wis. for World Dairy Expo. Crowds of nearly 75,000 people from more than 100 countries attended the annual event in 2016. WDE will return Oct. 3-7, 2017 as attendees and exhibitors are encouraged to “Discover New Dairy Worlds.” Visit or follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@WDExpo or #WDE2017) for more information.  


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