News Release

Monday, September 27, 2021

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Wisconsin Wins Fourth Consecutive National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest Title

MADISON, WIS. – Wisconsin claimed top honors in the National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo®, winning for the fourth year in a row. The Wisconsin team members Jenna Gries, Lauren Siemers, Clarissa Ulness and Emma Vos were coached by Paul Siemers and Angie Ulness. The second place overall team, by a margin of 15 points, was the Florida team of Nicholas Hammer, Austin Holcomb, Julia Heijkoop and Savannah Rice, coached by Gene Holcomb and Chris Holcomb. Other teams finishing in the top five are New York, Ohio, and Maryland, respectively.

Teams and individuals receiving recognition include:

Top Ten Teams – Overall:

1. Wisconsin, 2,025, team members: Jenna Gries, Lauren Siemers, Clarissa Ulness and Emma Vos, coached by Paul Siemers and Angie Ulness
2. Florida, 2,010, team members: Nicholas Hammer, Austin Holcomb, Julia Heijkoop and Savannah Rice, coached by Gene Holcomb and Chris Holcomb
3. New York, 2,003, team members: Aidan Ainslie, Elizabeth Hyman, Kailey Kuhn and Miranda Nickerson, coached by Douglas Waterman
4. Ohio, 1,970, team members: Austin Borchers, Cole Pond, Curtis Shellenberger and Madelyn Topp, coached by Sherry Smith
5. Maryland, 1,968, team members: Morgan Osborn-Wotthlie, Emma Schnebly, Bryce Zepp and Kelsey Zepp, coached by Brian Schnebly and Sarah Potts
6. Pennsylvania, 1,965, team members: Andrew Houseknecht, Sara Reed, Cody Walker and Nicole Weaver, coached by Chad Dechow
7. Indiana, 1,933, team members: Jonah Hopf, Paige Hopf, Faith Lortie and Makenzie Resler, coached by Julia Troyer, Marcus Troyer, and Lukus Troyer
8. Illinois, 1,928, team members Delana Erbsen, Nevin Erbsen and Jacob Raber, coached by Derek Nolan
9. Kentucky, 1,912, team members: Jackson Baird, Loralea Cox, Celia Johnston and Lily Palmer, coached by Larissa Tucker and Bland Baird
10. Virginia, 1,908, team members: Hayley Daubert, Regan Jackson, Salem Sifford and Ellie Vincent, coached by Jeremy Daubert and Lois Skeen

Top Ten Individuals – Overall:

  1. Nicholas Hammer, 686, Florida
  2. Morgan Osborn-Wotthlie, 686, Maryland
  3. Clarissa Ulness, 682, Wisconsin
  4. Jenna Gries, 681, Wisconsin
  5. Savannah Rice, 680, Florida
  6. Elizabeth Hyman, 678, New York
  7. Madelyn Topp, 671, Ohio
  8. Aidan Ainslie, 670, New York
  9. Andrew Houseknecht, 669, Pennsylvania
  10. Delana Erbsen, 665, Illinois

Top Ten Teams – Reasons:

  1. Wisconsin, 675, coached by Paul Siemers and Angie Ulness
  2. Florida, 663, coached by Gene Holcomb and Chris Holcomb
  3. Maryland, 650, coached by Brian Schnebly and Sarah Potts
  4. New York, 643, coached by Douglas Waterman
  5. Minnesota, 642, coached by Keith Brogan and Cassandra Lang
  6. Pennsylvania, 641, coached by Chad Dechow
  7. Ohio, 640, coached by Sherry Smith
  8. Michigan, 640, coached by Sarah Black and Joe Domecq
  9. Indiana, 632, coached by Julia Troyer, Marcus Troyer, and Lukus Troyer
  10. Kentucky, 632, coached by Bland Baird and Larissa Tucker

Top Ten Individuals – Reasons:

  1. Jenna Gries, 230, Wisconsin
  2. Nicholas Hammer, 228, Florida
  3. Aidan Ainslie, 227, New York
  4. Emma Schnebly, 226, Maryland
  5. Julia Heijkeep, 225, Florida
  6. Savannah Rice, 224, Florida
  7. Clarissa Ulness, 223, Wisconsin
  8. Lauren Siemers, 222, Wisconsin
  9. Adalee Thelen, 220, Michigan
  10. Morgan Osborn-Wotthlie, 219, Maryland

The National Youth Contests are made possible in part through generous support of Platinum Level Sponsor, Bayer Crop Science; Gold Level Sponsor, STgenetics and Cullenberg & Tensen, PLLC; Silver Sponsors, Bio-Vet, Inc.; Bronze Sponsors, Agri Feed International, L.L.C and Revolution; and additional supporters.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. The dairy industry will return to Madison, Wis. for the 54th event, September 28 – October 2, 2021, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, Instagram or YouTube for more information
