News Release

Thursday, April 1, 2021

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

World Dairy Expo 2021 To Remain in Madison, Wisconsin

MADISON, WIS. – World Dairy Expo® is pleased to announce, after thorough consideration, World Dairy Expo 2021 will remain in Madison, Wisconsin. The 54th edition of the event is scheduled for Expo’s historic home, the Alliant Energy Center, September 28 – October 2, 2021. This announcement comes after contingency planning and consideration of alternative venues.

“The clarity that Expo’s leaders sought from Dane County officials regarding the path forward for responsibly and safely hosting World Dairy Expo 2021 at the Alliant Energy Center has come to fruition,” shares Bill Hageman, WDE Board President. “We are grateful for the patience and commitment to World Dairy Expo exhibited by our stakeholders and the dairy community throughout this process. Expo is excited for Madison to once again be the place where the global dairy industry meets!”

“We are eager to build upon the strong partnership between Dane County and World Dairy Expo as the organization moves forward with plans for its 2021 event in Madison,” states Dane County Executive Joe Parisi. “The only home World Dairy Expo has known is Dane County, Wisconsin, and we are ready to welcome the dairy industry’s premier event back to our community this fall.”

Discussions regarding the contract extension proposed by Dane County in early March concerning World Dairy Expo’s use of the Alliant Energy Center, a county-owned facility, will take place over the coming months. 

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. Crowds of 60,000 people, from nearly 100 countries, will return to Madison, Wis. for the 54th event, September 28 – October 2, 2021, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, Instagram or YouTube for more information.  
