News Release

Thursday, October 6, 2022

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

Illinois Holstein Breeder Wins the 2022 Klussendorf Award

MADISON, WIS. – John Erbsen of Lanark, Illinois, was presented the 80th Klussendorf Award, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States, during the 55th World Dairy Expo. Erbsen embodies every great quality of a great dairyman.

The award is given in memory of Arthur B. Klussendorf, considered an outstanding showman of his time and a model for all who have followed him. This year’s selection was made by members of the Klussendorf Memorial Association, formed in 1937, at its annual meeting held earlier this week in Madison, Wis. Erbsen received the silver trophy designed by Tiffany Jewelers of New York City.

Erbsen is among the most unique individuals to ever win the award. He continues to have a highly successful career in the A.I. industry as a dairy programs specialist and has captured outstanding cattle images as a professional photographer. Both vocations span over three decades.

As good as this Illinois native is in those spaces, it’s his cow sense that ultimately led fellow Klussendorf Association members to select this individual as the 80th winner of North America’s most coveted show award. Having developed a friendship with the Kamps Family of Kamps-Hollow, he also became a big fan of Kamps-Hollow Altitude. Because of his suggestion to Select Sires, KHW Kite Advent-Red entered A.I. service and made a tremendous impact for the Red & White Holstein breed. It’s at this time that Erbsen also negotiated a purchase of Advent’s sister KHW Regiment Apple-Red and owned her with several partners throughout the years. Today, we simply know this cow as “Apple” as she has transformed the Red & White breed.

The Apple legacy unfolded when she won the Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Class at the International Holstein Show. Five years later, Apple ascended to become the Grand Champion at the International Red & White Show. Then, in 2013, one of the unique moments in World Dairy Expo annals took place — Apple’s clone, Apple 3, was named Grand Champion. Apple, herself, was named Reserve Grand Champion, and Apple’s daughter earned honorable mention honors that year. Fast forward to this year, Apple was named the All-Time Red & White World Champion by the Holstein International magazine.

The next chapter of Erbsen’s incredible story began to unfold in 2013 when he invested in Apple’s six-month-old daughter, Miss Apple Snapple. Two years later, Snapple also won the Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Class at World Dairy Expo. Prior to that moment in time, Snapple was flushed and one of her calves was Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET. Shakira eventually ascended to the pinnacle of World Dairy Expo stardom when she was named Supreme Champion for her new owners in 2021. While many great people contributed to the success of these great cows, John Erbsen was in the middle of it all.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. The global dairy industry will return to Madison, Wis. For the 55th event, October 2-7, 2022, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Admission tickets to WDE can be purchased at Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Spotify, Instagram or YouTube for more information.
