News Release

Sunday, October 2, 2022

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

SUNY Cobleskill Secures Gold in the International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest

MADISON, WIS. – The 55th World Dairy Expo began Sunday, October 2, 2022, with youth judging contests, where SUNY Cobleskill secured a first-place win as the overall team in the International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest. The team consisted of Karrie Ayer, Addison Hubbell, Kailey Kuhn and Kyler Meisner coached by Carrie Edsall. Kaskaskia College followed as the second-place team overall and earned honors as the top team for reasons. To round out the contest, Modesto Junior College, Michigan State University and University of Minnesota-Crookston placed third through fifth, respectively. In the Practical Contest, Modesto Junior College placed first overall followed by Southwest Technical College #1 placing second.

Teams and individuals receiving recognition include:

Top Five Teams – Overall:

  1. SUNY Cobleskill, 2,264, team members: Karrie Ayer, Addison Hubbell, Kailey Kuhn and Kyler Meisner, coached by Carrie Edsall
  2. Kaskaskia College, 2,260, team members: Jackson Brammeier, Nick Hammer, Jacob Raber and Naomi Scott, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  3. Modesto Junior College, 2,241, team members: Alayna Azevedo, Anthony Diniz, Avery Oliveira and Hartley Silva, coached by Nicole Morris
  4. Michigan State University, 2,122, team members: Juanita Bulloch, Collin Galbraith and Tyler Klopfenstein, coached by Joe Domecq, Kirby Krogstad and Sarah Black
  5. University of Minnesota-Crookston, 2,052, team members: Katherine Hills, Lily Krona, Katelyn Mack and Kaitlyn Rux coached by Harouna Maiga

Top Ten Individuals – Overall:

  1. Jacob Raber, 784, Kaskaskia College
  2. Kailey Kuhn, 777, SUNY Cobleskill
  3. Hartley Silva, 766, Modesto Junior College
  4. Addison Hubbell, 751, SUNY Cobleskill
  5. Anthony Diniz, 749, Modesto Junior College
  6. Naomi Scott, 741, Kaskaskia College
  7. Karrie Ayer, 736, SUNY Cobleskill
  8. Nick Hammer, 735, Kaskaskia College
  9. Juanita Bulloch, 727, Michigan State University
  10. Avery Oliveira, 726, Modesto Junior College

Top Five Teams – Reasons:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 662, coached by Aaron Heinzmann
  2. SUNY Cobleskill, 651, coached by Carrie Edsall
  3. Modesto Junior College, 649, coached by Nicole Morris
  4. Michigan State University, 602, coached by Joe Domecq, Kirby Krogstad and Sarah Black
  5. University of Minnesota Crookston, 555, Harouna Maiga

Top Ten Individuals – Reasons:

  1. Nick Hammer, 231, Kaskaskia College
  2. Kailey Kuhn, 226, SUNY Cobleskill
  3. Addison Hubbell, 222, SUNY Cobleskill
  4. Hartley Silva, 217, Modesto Junior College
  5. Naomi Scott, 217, Kaskaskia College
  6. Anthony Diniz, 216, Modesto Junior College
  7. Avery Oliveira, 216, Modesto Junior College
  8. Jacob Raber, 214, Kaskaskia College
  9. Collin Galbraith, 208, Michigan State University
  10. Karrie Ayer, 203, SUNY Cobleskill

Top Teams – Practical Contest:

  1. Modesto Junior College, 737
  2. Southwest Technical College #1, 675
  3. Kaskaskia College, 656
  4. Southwest Technical College #2, 601

Top Teams – Linear Contest:

  1. Kaskaskia College, 340
  2. Modesto Junior College, 315
  3. Southwest Technical College #1, 300
  4. Southwest Technical College #2, 260

Top Teams – Corrective Mating:

  1. Southwest Technical College #1, 170
  2. Modesto Junior College, 156
  3. Kaskaskia College, 103
  4. Southwest Technical College #2, 78

Top Teams – Grade Class:

  1. Modesto Junior College, 90
  2. Southwest Technical College #2, 90
  3. Southwest Technical College #1, 80
  4. Kaskaskia College, 75

Top Five Teams – Registered Class:

  1. Modesto Junior College, 191
  2. Kaskaskia College, 176
  3. Southwest Technical College #2, 170
  4. Southwest Technical College #1, 145

The International Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest is made possible in part through the generous support of Platinum Level Sponsor Channel Seed; Gold Level Sponsor, STgenetics; Silver Sponsors, Bio-Vet, Inc.; and additional supporters: Hoard’s Dairyman, International Protein Sires, Select Sires, Inc., St. Jacobs ABC, STgenetics, Trans Ova Genetics and Vita Plus Corporation.

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. The global dairy industry will return to Madison, Wis. for the 55th event, October 2-7, 2022, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Admission tickets to WDE can be purchased at Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app or follow WDE on FacebookTwitterLinkedInSpotifyInstagram or YouTube for more information
