News Release

Friday, January 21, 2022

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455

World Dairy Expo 2022 Judges Span Globe

MADISON, WIS. – World Dairy Expo® is pleased to announce the eight individuals selected to serve as associate judges of Expo’s 2022 Dairy Cattle Show. Nominated by the official judge and approved by a committee of Expo exhibitors, these individuals bring a global perspective to this world-renowned event. World Dairy Expo returns to Madison, Wisconsin, October 2 – 7, with the Dairy Cattle Show held in the Coliseum, October 3 – 7.

The complete slate of individuals who will serve as judges at World Dairy Expo 2022 and the dates of the respective show are as follows:

International Ayrshire Show: Wednesday, October 5 and Thursday, October 6
Official: Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, Wis.
Associate: Mandi Bue, Freedom, Wis. 

International Brown Swiss Show: Tuesday, October 4 and Wednesday, October 5
Official: Gerrit DeBruin, Lake Mills, Wis.
Associate: Hayden Hauschildt, Ellsworth, Wis. 

International Guernsey Show: Tuesday, October 4
Official: Phillip Topp, Botkins, Ohio
Associate: Tim Abbott, Enosburg, Vt. 

International Holstein Show: Thursday, October 6 and Friday, October 7
Official: Pierre Boulet, Montmagny, Quebec, Canada
Associate: Richard Landry, Ste-Brigitte-des-Saults, Quebec, Canada 

International Junior Holstein Show: Monday, October 3
Official: Pat Conroy, Angola, Ind.
Associate: Callum McKinven, Canton de Hatley, Quebec, Canada 

International Jersey Show: Monday, October 3 and Tuesday, October 4
Official: Keith Topp, Botkins, Ohio
Associate: Ryan Krohlow, Poynette, Wis. 

International Milking Shorthorn Show: Monday, October 3
Official: Joe Sparrow, Worthville, Ky.
Associate: Matt Fry, Chestertown, Md. 

International Red & White Show: Wednesday, October 5 and Thursday, October 6
Official: Pat Lundy, Granville, N.Y.
Associate: Gary Jones, Gorey, County Wexford, Ireland 

Serving as the meeting place of the global dairy industry, World Dairy Expo brings together the latest in dairy innovation and the best cattle in North America. The dairy industry will return to Madison, Wisconsin for the 55th event, October 2 – 7, 2022, when the world’s largest dairy-focused trade show, dairy and forage seminars, a world-class dairy cattle show and more will be on display. Download the World Dairy Expo mobile event app, visit or follow WDE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube for more information.  
