News Release

Monday, March 5, 2025

CONTACT: Lisa Behnke, Communications Manager,
PHONE:      608-224-6455


PDCA Announces Changes to Show Ring Code of Ethics, Showmanship Guidelines and Unified Scorecard

 MADISON, WIS. – The Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) Board of Directors unanimously approved changes to the PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics, the PDCA Showmanship Guidelines and Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard during their board meetings last December.

 “These changes are the first that have been made in a decade,” states outgoing PDCA Board President, Neal Smith, who represents the Jersey Association.” These guidelines are useful tools not only for our dairy youth exhibitors, but also the individuals who serve as official judges. Changes to the Unified Scorecard, used as a unified teaching tool, reflect the desired characteristics of each of the seven dairy breeds.”

Appreciation was extended to Smith as he completed his term as PDCA President. Amy Fletcher, representing the Ayrshire Breeders Association, will assume the presidency for 2025-2026, per the breed rotation assignment.

Each of the following publications can be found under the literature tab at Notable revisions and updates to these documents include:

PDCA Show Ring Code of Ethics:

  • Topline hair length increased from 1” to 1.5” allowed
  • Teat setting, over bagging and misrepresentation of animal’s lactation were each addressed specifically

 PDCA Showmanship Guidelines:

  • Refined language regarding how leadsperson is to hold halter strap
  • Specific direction for leadspersons as they enter the show ring, set up their animal once in the show ring and switch animals during competition

PDCA Showmanship Evaluation Card:

  • Slight discrimination for “sidesteps when leading calf” has been changed to moderate discrimination on the Showmanship Evaluation Scorecard as has “failure to stop and set up your animal appropriately at the judge’s request.”

Dairy Unified Scorecard:

  • Rear Feet and Legs category, allowed 20%, will now be Feet and Legs – 20%
  • Equal weight will now be given to rear udder and fore udder with equal point values of seven points each
  • Mature Cow in Milk Average Weights have been adjusted to align with current breed characteristics
  • Holstein, Jersey and Milking Shorthorn True Type images were updated  

 These changes are effective March 1, 2025. The updated 2025 editions of the Show Ring Code of Ethics, Showmanship Guidelines, Showmanship Evaluation Scorecard and Unified Scorecard are available on PDCA’s website. To see the context within which changes were made and specific language that was modified, click on the copies of each document named “Revisions Highlighted,” also found on PDCA’s website under the literature tab.

Founded in 1940, Purebred Dairy Cattle Association is a foundation for growth and profit for the future of the dairy industry. For more information, visit the PDCA website at

